Zack & Miri Make a Porno, the latest movie from mastermind Kevin Smith, will be shown here in Sweden. Boo-yah! The date is set at January 9th, so you now where I'll be when that glorious day comes.
Of course, if I want to complain, the movie has already premiered in the states (October 31st), but at least I'll get to see it on the big screen; the first of Smith's movies where I get to do so. Yea!
lördag 8 november 2008
tisdag 4 november 2008
Well, if anoyone (like my dear sister) was offended by the last post, I apologise. I understand that a lot of people are very afraid of dogs, and I did not mean to mock them in any way. I just meant that if possible, chill out.
And don't be offended so easily (just kidding).
Till next time!
Well, if anoyone (like my dear sister) was offended by the last post, I apologise. I understand that a lot of people are very afraid of dogs, and I did not mean to mock them in any way. I just meant that if possible, chill out.
And don't be offended so easily (just kidding).
Till next time!
måndag 3 november 2008
Today was a Weird Day
Well, I'll get right to it. Tonight I decided to take a walk, as I had a new SModcast to listen to. I walked towards Ica Maxi, but halfway there I turned up into the labyrinthine suburbs of Stenhagen. I walked through them and thought that I'd walk to Ica Maxi from there. Well, as it turns out, it's freakishly difficult to navigate through suburbs. I ended up somewhere, and tried walking back via a dark road I've ever seen before. It was paved, but no streetlights. As I walked on I saw that there were a cemetery there, and then another, and another, and another.. Turns out it was some form of gathering of (I think) non-christian graveyards. At least there were one for the believers of Islam.
Well anyway, as fun as walking through dark cemeteries in total darkness is, I decided that I should pick up my pace (I admit to a slight fear of darkness). I walked in what I thought was my desired direction, which was a "road" in a field. But then, to make me jump like a circus-seal, I heard a loud grunting. My first thoughts went directly to wild boars. As I had my earphones in, I didn't hear properly, so I hastily took them out and shone around with my ridiculously small lamp. Right next to me stood two humongous creatures staring at me. Then, the white of the two jumped at me. I sort of panicked for a split-second, and then I realised it was the biggest dog I'd ever seen. He placed his front paws on my shoulder and bounced of again, barking. Thankfully, I then hear their owner shouting at them, and shouting at me that "they only want to say hello!".
Turns out he was out walking his two Grand Donais, and he didn't have their leashes on, as the probability of meeting someone out there was very slim (I was way of the beaten path). The dogs weren't vicious in any way, just surprised and maybe scared to meet me I guess. The white on kept running forth and back to me, jumping now and then. The black one just stood and stared at me. When the man arrived he apologised and I said that it was okay, that they just startled me. The funny thing was that the two dogs were both much bigger than him, as they were easily more than a meter from paw to back, and then with the huge heads they were truly gigantic whereas he was maybe 160 tall. If they wanted to, they could, without breaking a sweat, drag the man wherever they wanted.
Well, I then asked him for directions, and he guided me back to civilisation. Thank the Gods.
He turned out to be really nice, and we talked all the way back to the suburbs.
Lucky for him that it was me he meet, by the way, as I know many people would freak out and start shouting at him and the dogs, and only riling them up even more. People are way too angry at everything. I mean, all in all it was a fun experience, so what's the big deal?
Well, enough of this, I don't want to start listing reasons why humans are often complete idiots; it would take up way too much of my time. Instead, I say to you all that, if you are ever in a similar situation, just chill man.
Peace out.
Well, I'll get right to it. Tonight I decided to take a walk, as I had a new SModcast to listen to. I walked towards Ica Maxi, but halfway there I turned up into the labyrinthine suburbs of Stenhagen. I walked through them and thought that I'd walk to Ica Maxi from there. Well, as it turns out, it's freakishly difficult to navigate through suburbs. I ended up somewhere, and tried walking back via a dark road I've ever seen before. It was paved, but no streetlights. As I walked on I saw that there were a cemetery there, and then another, and another, and another.. Turns out it was some form of gathering of (I think) non-christian graveyards. At least there were one for the believers of Islam.
Well anyway, as fun as walking through dark cemeteries in total darkness is, I decided that I should pick up my pace (I admit to a slight fear of darkness). I walked in what I thought was my desired direction, which was a "road" in a field. But then, to make me jump like a circus-seal, I heard a loud grunting. My first thoughts went directly to wild boars. As I had my earphones in, I didn't hear properly, so I hastily took them out and shone around with my ridiculously small lamp. Right next to me stood two humongous creatures staring at me. Then, the white of the two jumped at me. I sort of panicked for a split-second, and then I realised it was the biggest dog I'd ever seen. He placed his front paws on my shoulder and bounced of again, barking. Thankfully, I then hear their owner shouting at them, and shouting at me that "they only want to say hello!".
Turns out he was out walking his two Grand Donais, and he didn't have their leashes on, as the probability of meeting someone out there was very slim (I was way of the beaten path). The dogs weren't vicious in any way, just surprised and maybe scared to meet me I guess. The white on kept running forth and back to me, jumping now and then. The black one just stood and stared at me. When the man arrived he apologised and I said that it was okay, that they just startled me. The funny thing was that the two dogs were both much bigger than him, as they were easily more than a meter from paw to back, and then with the huge heads they were truly gigantic whereas he was maybe 160 tall. If they wanted to, they could, without breaking a sweat, drag the man wherever they wanted.
Well, I then asked him for directions, and he guided me back to civilisation. Thank the Gods.
He turned out to be really nice, and we talked all the way back to the suburbs.
Lucky for him that it was me he meet, by the way, as I know many people would freak out and start shouting at him and the dogs, and only riling them up even more. People are way too angry at everything. I mean, all in all it was a fun experience, so what's the big deal?
Well, enough of this, I don't want to start listing reasons why humans are often complete idiots; it would take up way too much of my time. Instead, I say to you all that, if you are ever in a similar situation, just chill man.
Peace out.
söndag 2 november 2008
'Shroom Post
This post will contain mostly pictures, and many of them depicts various mushrooms.
All of these are from the forest I sometimes walk in, trying to avoid other humans. It's located west of the centre of Uppsala, near Ica Maxi for those in the know. To ride my bicykle there takes about 12 minutes, so it's not far, and very much worth the trip. Especially when the sun is out.
The pictures below are from a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't had the energy to upload them till now, hence the nice autumn-y feel to them. Now, it's below zero in the nights and it has started snowing (the first fell friday the 31st of Octobre). Well, anyhow, enjoy the pictures.
(Oh, by the way, I'm trying another way to upload the pictures, so if the proportions of the pics seem odd, it's because of that).
This first one is the little path that divides the start of the forest and the suburbs of Uppsala.
Surprise, surprise. Another mushroom.
This post will contain mostly pictures, and many of them depicts various mushrooms.
All of these are from the forest I sometimes walk in, trying to avoid other humans. It's located west of the centre of Uppsala, near Ica Maxi for those in the know. To ride my bicykle there takes about 12 minutes, so it's not far, and very much worth the trip. Especially when the sun is out.
The pictures below are from a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't had the energy to upload them till now, hence the nice autumn-y feel to them. Now, it's below zero in the nights and it has started snowing (the first fell friday the 31st of Octobre). Well, anyhow, enjoy the pictures.
(Oh, by the way, I'm trying another way to upload the pictures, so if the proportions of the pics seem odd, it's because of that).
This first one is the little path that divides the start of the forest and the suburbs of Uppsala.
There are four or five sheep thriving once you exit the forest and enter the fields ahead.
The Amanita Muscaria.
This is a rather cool photo I think.
U.F.O. sightings in the forest has of yet only consisted of this odd 'shroom.
And yes, another odd fungi. The forest is (was) full of them.
This picture below is taken when you exit the forest I usually walk in. The forest visible is the one I'm talking about. Oh, the sheepsters live to the left of the picture. If you walk left from this picture, over the fields, you can enter another forest. And since the day that I took these photos was so nice, I did so. I was out walking for about 4 hours. Sweet.
Surprise, surprise. Another mushroom.
tisdag 28 oktober 2008
My Room
Well, this is a post more personal and dedicated to my near & dear who wonders how my room looks like, instead of for the general masses. But still, if you for some reason read this blog, it might be nice to "know" the person writing it. And as such, these photos describe me in a way I guess.
First of all, four pics of the four corners of my room:
Well, this is a post more personal and dedicated to my near & dear who wonders how my room looks like, instead of for the general masses. But still, if you for some reason read this blog, it might be nice to "know" the person writing it. And as such, these photos describe me in a way I guess.
First of all, four pics of the four corners of my room:
Then, for the really curoius party out there, some pictures of my bathroom. Two, to be precise.
Now for my pride & joy; my DVD collection. I am one of those few, odd people who actually buy movies, and my current collection is a modest 260 DVDs. I don´t count TV-series of course, they are located at the shelf furthest down.
There are some problems though; the space I have is already reaching its limit, so I have to rethink my layout at one time, but that´s a problem down the road. And as a student, I won´t be able to buy as many DVDs as I used to.
Well, anyway, the first picture is of my shelf containing comedy, asian, "artsy" movies and a few hard to place ones. Oh, and the TV-series mentioned earlier. The second pic is of my DVD-Tower containing action, thriller/horror, paranormal, drama and war-movies.
This, this is pure joy. The reclining chair I got as a moving-in present. It´s so comfortable it´s ridiculous.
The top-most shelf is the eye-cather of the room, I presume. It contains stuff from Japan, mostly won at the arcades of Tokyo and Kyoto. Awesome.
Well, that´s that as they say. Tomorrow school starts again, so that´s nice.
Have a good time, keep reading and I´ll keep writing (well, that´s a lie. I´ll still write even if no one reads this).
I´m out.
måndag 27 oktober 2008
Hello Everybody
Well, I´ve decided to start another blog, here in Uppsala, Sweden. It will surely not be nearly as interesting as my blog about Japan, but hopefully I will have something to write about. At least I´ll try and upload some photos.
As you might have noticed, I´ll be writing again in english. This is mainly because I find english a much more interesting language than swedish; it has a lot more depth and fluidity for example. But also because almost all the information I access is in english; in movies I use english subtitles (and Gods forbid synchronized dubbing. After the age of three, any non-english speaking individual should see the proper version of any movie, perhaps with subtitles), and almost everything I read is in english. So therefore it isn´t so odd that I´ve decided to write this way, and just so you all know, I would never even pretend my english to be perfect: I´m sure there´s a few gramatical errors here and there, but hey, it ain´t my maternal language.
Anyhoo, this first post hasn´t exactly been a joyous blast of interesting anecdotes and pictures, but I´ll get to that. I mean, I have to explain the reason for putting another blog on the ever expanding Internet. Well, a big reason is because I thought it was so fun to do in Japan, so that inspired me to continue. It´s also a way for my friends and family to keep up with my life.
Also because I think it´s good for me to practice a language I always hear, but seldom speak or write. So if this blog actually gets any readers, please correct me if I write something wrong (if it´s not an obvious typo).
Well, enough meaningless writing. I guess I should explain why I am here in Uppsala, if anyone reading does not know. I am here to acquire a Bachelor`s Degree in Mechanical Engineering; it´s a three-year program at the University of Uppsala. The first period is over, and it went all right I think; I had an exam in math the other day as an end to this first period, and it took 5 hours to do. Not the most pleasant 5 hours of my life, but it wasn´t so bad.
There are about 50 people in my class by the way, which is a lot. Quite impossible to learn the names of everyone actually. And the boy/girl ratio is kind of.. well, not too fun. Three girls in total, and something like 46-47 dudes. Well, at least there aren´t any idiotic people in my class (which is something of a miracle, really).
So, now you know the reasons for this little pile of zeros and ones. The forthcoming posts won´t contain as much "useless" jibber-jabber, because I´ve decided that this will definitely not be one of those blogs that describe every useless little aspect of someone´s boring life (i.e. "Got up at 9:30. Ate some breakfast. Let out the cat, followed by some TV for three hours. I watched, in order, ... etc.). Although, I must admit that Kevin Smith`s My Boring-Ass Life is precisely that, and it´s still hilarious. But that could have someting to do with his choice of career, of course.. When I have his life, I too, will write like that. Maybe.
Well, I think it´s time to wrap this baby up. I will save the pictures for next post, as I want to keep the first post separate from any "events". All I will say is that the picture on the top of the blog is the view from the roof of my building. The castle in the picture is, surprisingly enough, a castle. I don´t know if it has a more proper name than "Uppsala Castle", but that´s what it´s called by the locals at least.
Oh, and the picture might change in the future.. Pure Magic.
Enough from me, I hope you´ll read this, and find it interesting.
Peace be with you and praise the turtles.
/ Christoffer
Well, I´ve decided to start another blog, here in Uppsala, Sweden. It will surely not be nearly as interesting as my blog about Japan, but hopefully I will have something to write about. At least I´ll try and upload some photos.
As you might have noticed, I´ll be writing again in english. This is mainly because I find english a much more interesting language than swedish; it has a lot more depth and fluidity for example. But also because almost all the information I access is in english; in movies I use english subtitles (and Gods forbid synchronized dubbing. After the age of three, any non-english speaking individual should see the proper version of any movie, perhaps with subtitles), and almost everything I read is in english. So therefore it isn´t so odd that I´ve decided to write this way, and just so you all know, I would never even pretend my english to be perfect: I´m sure there´s a few gramatical errors here and there, but hey, it ain´t my maternal language.
Anyhoo, this first post hasn´t exactly been a joyous blast of interesting anecdotes and pictures, but I´ll get to that. I mean, I have to explain the reason for putting another blog on the ever expanding Internet. Well, a big reason is because I thought it was so fun to do in Japan, so that inspired me to continue. It´s also a way for my friends and family to keep up with my life.
Also because I think it´s good for me to practice a language I always hear, but seldom speak or write. So if this blog actually gets any readers, please correct me if I write something wrong (if it´s not an obvious typo).
Well, enough meaningless writing. I guess I should explain why I am here in Uppsala, if anyone reading does not know. I am here to acquire a Bachelor`s Degree in Mechanical Engineering; it´s a three-year program at the University of Uppsala. The first period is over, and it went all right I think; I had an exam in math the other day as an end to this first period, and it took 5 hours to do. Not the most pleasant 5 hours of my life, but it wasn´t so bad.
There are about 50 people in my class by the way, which is a lot. Quite impossible to learn the names of everyone actually. And the boy/girl ratio is kind of.. well, not too fun. Three girls in total, and something like 46-47 dudes. Well, at least there aren´t any idiotic people in my class (which is something of a miracle, really).
So, now you know the reasons for this little pile of zeros and ones. The forthcoming posts won´t contain as much "useless" jibber-jabber, because I´ve decided that this will definitely not be one of those blogs that describe every useless little aspect of someone´s boring life (i.e. "Got up at 9:30. Ate some breakfast. Let out the cat, followed by some TV for three hours. I watched, in order, ... etc.). Although, I must admit that Kevin Smith`s My Boring-Ass Life is precisely that, and it´s still hilarious. But that could have someting to do with his choice of career, of course.. When I have his life, I too, will write like that. Maybe.
Well, I think it´s time to wrap this baby up. I will save the pictures for next post, as I want to keep the first post separate from any "events". All I will say is that the picture on the top of the blog is the view from the roof of my building. The castle in the picture is, surprisingly enough, a castle. I don´t know if it has a more proper name than "Uppsala Castle", but that´s what it´s called by the locals at least.
Oh, and the picture might change in the future.. Pure Magic.
Enough from me, I hope you´ll read this, and find it interesting.
Peace be with you and praise the turtles.
/ Christoffer
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