måndag 4 maj 2009

Oh Yeah, I Went to Scotland


This post should have been sooner, but it's not so late really.

This last easter I went to visit my friend Jonathan who lives and studies in Aberdeen, Scotland. We started the trip by him meeting me in Edinburgh, where my airport was. We stayed two nights there, at the Castle Rock Hostel (quite nice, actually). We walked around a lot, even out to his brother's house, but we didn't do any tourist-y things really. And I took almost no photos, so I haven't much to show you guys, but at least a few.

Our biggeast feat during our stay in Edinburgh was no doubt when we climbed / walked up Arthur's Seat, a hill next to the city. It was very windy, but still worth it. Nice views of the city.
Here's a couple of pics from the hill:

The picture above is of some monument that was at the very top of the hill. Very graffittied.

After Edinburgh we took the train to Aberdeen. We didn't do so much in Aberdeen really, just walked about town, shopped a bit, and he showed me his school. Then we pretty much watched a couple of movies and just hanged. It was really nice.
Even so, we did visit the beach, which was surprisingly nice and large. It was probably the biggest beach I've seen, since it stretches far up north and south, along the coast of Scotland. It was very nice, and so was Aberdeen (though I like Edinburgh more, it was awesome).

Here're some pics from the beach:

Well, now I don't have so much to say really. I greatly recommend visiting Scotland (even though this post doesn't shine such a great light on it), and especially Edinburgh. I had a great time at least.

Oh, if you want more pictures, I recommend you to check out my Flickr page (link to the left), I have a few more there.

Till next time.

fredag 24 april 2009

Observation on Life


The time right now is 02:32 at night, and I was just up on the roof of my building. I stood by the edge, looking out over the space between my house and the next one. The sky was clear and you could see the stars, and there was hardly any wind to speak of. The only sound was that of an odd car or two driving far away on the freeway.
As I stood there, a lone crow came gliding through the air below me, and landed on a tree not too far away. A short moment thereafter it let out a single calling, which was responded to shortly by another crow a further distant away.

When I saw this event of nature, I thought about another similar occurence; that of the single straggler making his way home late at night from the local pub, and upon entering his flat, calls out to his roommate 'goodnight'.

I wonder if that was what the crow said?

onsdag 18 mars 2009

A Minuscule Update

Hello "everyone",

I know there are basically no people reading this blog, and I understand them. I seldom update, and it's not like the things I write about are very interesting if you're not a close friend of mine.

That's why I'll try to update more often, and about subjects that could be more interesting to a greater audience. Maybe movie and music recomendations etc.
Even so, the existance of this blog is mostly because I like to write in english, as I consider it good training (even though I get zero feedback, so I'm not sure when it's wrong). It's also quite nice just to write anything.

To sum up; I'll try to write more often, and about a wider variety of subjects. I hope you'll find it interesting (oh, and I'll always keep writing as though there's a bunch of people reading it).

And oh! Almost forgot; there's a small update to the blog. Now there's a map if you scroll down to the end of the blog, which is connected to my Loci Loci-account. With it, I can locate my and other people's cellphones (if they're swedish). I hope to convince people to create an account there, so there's someone else I can loate than myself. But that seems kind of stalker-y, and therefore I mainly have it as a precautionary solution if I misplace my cell. If it's lost, I simply log in to Loci Loci and check where it is. It's a paranoid person's dream (and nightmare, if you add the fact that people know where you are, but you can turn that off).

Well, that's it. Have a week.

måndag 2 mars 2009

Happy Bithday! (To me)


Last thursday it was my 21th birthday, and I decided to go back to Åland and see my family, and also there was a big party with a bunch of people I know. Nice indeed. Except the hangover.

Well, anyhow, this post will be short, as I'm basically only posting a picture of one the gifts I received this weekend, which is too difficult to explain properly what is over phone / text message.

The gift is a huge wooden box from the Innis & Gunn brewery in Scotland (given to me by my parents), and it contains 4 rather rare kinds of beer, and also two nice glasses from the brewery. A very, very nice gift, I must say.

So, without further ado, here it is:

Quite spectacular, eh? I must conjure up a way to have more than one birthday a year somewhow..

That's all folks, and as the wise Kevin Smith says; have a week.

söndag 15 februari 2009

A New Year, A New Beginning (part 3)

Hello everyone,

I thought it was time for this post, as it's already long overdue. It won't be long, since it's basically only a few pictures from this winter. Most of them are from November or December, but considering the weather nowadays, they could just as easily have been taken today (except that it's not as much snow now).
Anyhow, enjoy.

First are some pictures from the top of the building I live in; there are some nice views from there.

And here's a pic of a gift my father received this christmas; some kind of fire-holder thing that my brother-in-law made. It's really nice.

And finally, a picture of the family christmas-tree. It was real nice this year.
We have a tendency to celebrate christmas rather vigorously.

Well, that's all folks. I told you it would be a short post. I have the next post planned already, so I'll give y'all a sneak-preview: it's pictures from my trip to Tallinn with some friends from my class. Exciting, eh?

måndag 2 februari 2009



On January 28th, I went to Globen in Stockholm with my sister and some of her friends to see Oasis. I bought the ticket months ago, so I was excited to finally be able to go. It was really great, and I filmed some of the concert with the camera in my cellphone, so I thought I would share some with you!

Since I used my cellphone, and I was seated a fair bit away, it's not exactly the best quality. The audio is kind of okay though. I hope you like it!

Here's the opening and the first song.

The following clips are different songs I recorded in their total length, enjoy!

And finally, here's the closing act: I Am the Walrus! (It's divided into two clips, because the memory in my cellphone became full mid-song, and then the internal memory was too small to record the rest of the song, so it's missing a short piece in the middle and in the end).

Well, that's all. It was a really nice concert, and if you ever get the chance to see them, take it!

Unless you really don't like Oasis of course.

Have a week!

söndag 11 januari 2009

A New Year, A New Beginning (part 2)

Hi again,

This post is going to be a bit shorter than part one, as I only have a few pictures for this one.
First of all, the weather outside right now is windy and there's a bit of snow on the ground, and there's been a lot of snow a few times this winter, so the pictures I'm about to show are somewhat out of place. But don't worry, I'll get to the more appropriate pictures of snow and such eventually, but that'll be a much longer post, so you'll have to wait for that.

Anyhow, here are the pics. I just wanted to show you what the neighbourhood here looks like, both from up-close and from far away. Hope you like the pictures!

This is a photo of the neighbourhood from kind of far away. It's the tall, white buildings I live in.

This is a more up-front photo of it all.

And last, a picture taken from the roof, of the roof.

Oh, and I mentioned before that Zack and Miri Make a Porno would premiere here on Jauary 9th, and here's the poster up in the cinemas. I'm glad to see that we have the original poster, and not the "censored" one.
Now I've actually seen it, but I saw it back on Åland since it premiered on December 30th there (praise Åland). But since I saw it in the cinema back home, which have kind of a bad sound and picture, and swedish subtitles made by a finnish person (just plain horrible, I wish they would just remove them), it wasn't exactly the perfect way to watch it. That's why I'm going again tomorrow, to see it more as it was meant to be seen. But don't take this as though I'm unsure of what I think of the movie, because I love the movie. It's awesome. Thank you Kevin Smith, thank you so much (and Mos' too).

Once again, cheers, and see you in part three! (coming January 2009, to a computer near you, snoogans).

A New Year, A New Beginning

Hello everyone,
It's been a while since my last post, and for that I lack a good excuse. I've just had too much else on my mind, like school for instance. But also, the simple fact that I'm lazy has prohibited me from having the energy to write here. But now, as it is a new year, I've decided to try to be more serious with this little project. I think it's fun to do this, so I shouldn't be so lazy about it. But anyhow, enough about that, we'll just have to wait and see how frequently I update this blog of mine.
Well, since my last post, nothing major has happened. It is now January 11th of 2009, and I have the whole week of, since last year's last examination was on friday the 9th, and school starts again on the 19th. Nice.This post is probably going to be rather long, because I'm planning to upload a bunch of pictures, but hopefully it'll be somewhat interesting.
I'll start of with something I planned to write here ages ago, but just forgot. Last november, I took my vinylplayer and all my recordss here to Uppsala, and the reason I did that was because I found this great little basement-shop specializing in vinyls, and he had so many good ones in really great condition, so I just had to buy some. Here are pictures of them all:

First of, Fats Domino. I bought this because I'd seen the movie Be Kind Rewind a few days before.

Michael Jackson - Thriller. This one you just have to own.

T-Rex - Greatest Hits. I bought this one because I love his song "Jeepster" (which is in the movie Death Proof).

Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon. You don't have to have a reason to buy this, it's as simple a decision as breathing.
More Floyd, this time the amazing Wish You Were Here.
And even more; The Wall.
When I found these two next records, my degree of joy rocketed skywards. The frickin' Doors!

Well, these were all the ones I bought. I've listened to them a bunch, and I love them (which I did before I bought them as well, but still..).
I think I'm going to split this post up in several parts actually, which makes it easier to deal with the pictures (BlogSpot.com isn't actually that great when it comes to upload a lot of pictures). I hope you'll find these posts fun, and not just pointless-writing-to-no-one-from-no-one-on-the-Internet.