söndag 15 februari 2009
A New Year, A New Beginning (part 3)
I thought it was time for this post, as it's already long overdue. It won't be long, since it's basically only a few pictures from this winter. Most of them are from November or December, but considering the weather nowadays, they could just as easily have been taken today (except that it's not as much snow now).
Anyhow, enjoy.
First are some pictures from the top of the building I live in; there are some nice views from there.
måndag 2 februari 2009
On January 28th, I went to Globen in Stockholm with my sister and some of her friends to see Oasis. I bought the ticket months ago, so I was excited to finally be able to go. It was really great, and I filmed some of the concert with the camera in my cellphone, so I thought I would share some with you!
Since I used my cellphone, and I was seated a fair bit away, it's not exactly the best quality. The audio is kind of okay though. I hope you like it!
Here's the opening and the first song.
The following clips are different songs I recorded in their total length, enjoy!
And finally, here's the closing act: I Am the Walrus! (It's divided into two clips, because the memory in my cellphone became full mid-song, and then the internal memory was too small to record the rest of the song, so it's missing a short piece in the middle and in the end).
Well, that's all. It was a really nice concert, and if you ever get the chance to see them, take it!
Unless you really don't like Oasis of course.
Have a week!