onsdag 18 mars 2009

A Minuscule Update

Hello "everyone",

I know there are basically no people reading this blog, and I understand them. I seldom update, and it's not like the things I write about are very interesting if you're not a close friend of mine.

That's why I'll try to update more often, and about subjects that could be more interesting to a greater audience. Maybe movie and music recomendations etc.
Even so, the existance of this blog is mostly because I like to write in english, as I consider it good training (even though I get zero feedback, so I'm not sure when it's wrong). It's also quite nice just to write anything.

To sum up; I'll try to write more often, and about a wider variety of subjects. I hope you'll find it interesting (oh, and I'll always keep writing as though there's a bunch of people reading it).

And oh! Almost forgot; there's a small update to the blog. Now there's a map if you scroll down to the end of the blog, which is connected to my Loci Loci-account. With it, I can locate my and other people's cellphones (if they're swedish). I hope to convince people to create an account there, so there's someone else I can loate than myself. But that seems kind of stalker-y, and therefore I mainly have it as a precautionary solution if I misplace my cell. If it's lost, I simply log in to Loci Loci and check where it is. It's a paranoid person's dream (and nightmare, if you add the fact that people know where you are, but you can turn that off).

Well, that's it. Have a week.

måndag 2 mars 2009

Happy Bithday! (To me)


Last thursday it was my 21th birthday, and I decided to go back to Åland and see my family, and also there was a big party with a bunch of people I know. Nice indeed. Except the hangover.

Well, anyhow, this post will be short, as I'm basically only posting a picture of one the gifts I received this weekend, which is too difficult to explain properly what is over phone / text message.

The gift is a huge wooden box from the Innis & Gunn brewery in Scotland (given to me by my parents), and it contains 4 rather rare kinds of beer, and also two nice glasses from the brewery. A very, very nice gift, I must say.

So, without further ado, here it is:

Quite spectacular, eh? I must conjure up a way to have more than one birthday a year somewhow..

That's all folks, and as the wise Kevin Smith says; have a week.