fredag 24 april 2009

Observation on Life


The time right now is 02:32 at night, and I was just up on the roof of my building. I stood by the edge, looking out over the space between my house and the next one. The sky was clear and you could see the stars, and there was hardly any wind to speak of. The only sound was that of an odd car or two driving far away on the freeway.
As I stood there, a lone crow came gliding through the air below me, and landed on a tree not too far away. A short moment thereafter it let out a single calling, which was responded to shortly by another crow a further distant away.

When I saw this event of nature, I thought about another similar occurence; that of the single straggler making his way home late at night from the local pub, and upon entering his flat, calls out to his roommate 'goodnight'.

I wonder if that was what the crow said?