tisdag 28 oktober 2008

My Room


Well, this is a post more personal and dedicated to my near & dear who wonders how my room looks like, instead of for the general masses. But still, if you for some reason read this blog, it might be nice to "know" the person writing it. And as such, these photos describe me in a way I guess.

First of all, four pics of the four corners of my room:

Then, for the really curoius party out there, some pictures of my bathroom. Two, to be precise.
Now for my pride & joy; my DVD collection. I am one of those few, odd people who actually buy movies, and my current collection is a modest 260 DVDs. I don´t count TV-series of course, they are located at the shelf furthest down.
There are some problems though; the space I have is already reaching its limit, so I have to rethink my layout at one time, but that´s a problem down the road. And as a student, I won´t be able to buy as many DVDs as I used to.
Well, anyway, the first picture is of my shelf containing comedy, asian, "artsy" movies and a few hard to place ones. Oh, and the TV-series mentioned earlier. The second pic is of my DVD-Tower containing action, thriller/horror, paranormal, drama and war-movies.

This, this is pure joy. The reclining chair I got as a moving-in present. It´s so comfortable it´s ridiculous.
The top-most shelf is the eye-cather of the room, I presume. It contains stuff from Japan, mostly won at the arcades of Tokyo and Kyoto. Awesome.

Well, that´s that as they say. Tomorrow school starts again, so that´s nice.
Have a good time, keep reading and I´ll keep writing (well, that´s a lie. I´ll still write even if no one reads this).

I´m out.

1 kommentar:

Alexandra sa...

Hahaha jag bara älskar din hylla med nallarna!
Måste ännu en gång säga att du verkligen fått rummet väldigt fint.