Hello "everyone",
I know there are basically no people reading this blog, and I understand them. I seldom update, and it's not like the things I write about are very interesting if you're not a close friend of mine.
That's why I'll try to update more often, and about subjects that could be more interesting to a greater audience. Maybe movie and music recomendations etc.
Even so, the existance of this blog is mostly because I like to write in english, as I consider it good training (even though I get zero feedback, so I'm not sure when it's wrong). It's also quite nice just to write anything.
To sum up; I'll try to write more often, and about a wider variety of subjects. I hope you'll find it interesting (oh, and I'll always keep writing as though there's a bunch of people reading it).
And oh! Almost forgot; there's a small update to the blog. Now there's a map if you scroll down to the end of the blog, which is connected to my Loci Loci-account. With it, I can locate my and other people's cellphones (if they're swedish). I hope to convince people to create an account there, so there's someone else I can loate than myself. But that seems kind of stalker-y, and therefore I mainly have it as a precautionary solution if I misplace my cell. If it's lost, I simply log in to Loci Loci and check where it is. It's a paranoid person's dream (and nightmare, if you add the fact that people know where you are, but you can turn that off).
Well, that's it. Have a week.
3 kommentarer:
Jag tycker om att läsa din blogg fast du nästan aldrig uppdaterar den.=) Ser fram emot fler inlägg!
Ja kämpa på Toffe! Har skaffat Lociloci nu, känner mig redan övervakad...
Hey nu ser jag din blogg som man ska! Med inlägget högst upp alltså, så att jag slipper scrolla ner för att se det! Gräjt. =)
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